
inspire 1M followers

vendredi 16 novembre 2018

Our last blog was about 3 tips to grow your instagram, also this one going to be about the same topic . But with 3 new and very helpfull tips . its our secret to get 100 followes evreyday.

1 - like photos in your niches:

We suggest, to go through a famous hashtag of your niche and like 6-8 photos of someone's account, also it's going to bo helpfull if you leave a lovely comment why not following them.

2 - Create and encourage others to use it, too:

It's one of our powerful ways to grow by creating a hashtag to build a community and gain new content for your account.
  - Create a unique hashtag and make sure to ask people to use it also and its never being already used.
  - Once people start use using your hashtag a post there photos on it, you can start reposting the post and show the that you appreciate there work and content.

3 - Encourage followers to take action: 

It may be simple a and easy, that people more likely to do something if you ask the to DO IT. they do just if they will benefit from it. like (shout out there profils / repost there post..... ).
As i do by shareing a quote and ask my followers to like and comment  (much comments on your post = much impression)  why not sharing it, to get more engagement make a challenge for the most beautiful comments.

jeudi 22 mars 2018

Instagram it's now from the sky-high user engagement level, more than 80 percent of the accounts following a business on instagram.
Brands might be more keen than ever to acquainted their business with instagram because its social media influencer's legacy .

3 months ago I started my instagram content with 0 followers, and in a week I got more than 300 followers organically.

Today i am going to share with you the first 3 tpis i used to grow my instagram account.

1 - chose an instagram content to work on it.

Pro instagram account !! You have to respect tow tips :
  • chose a theme to influence the audience who like your topic.
  • orgnize your instagram , To impress people to follow you and beleive in your content.


2 - Post consistently.

when i just started on instagram i have been posting two times a week and i didn't get much followers as i expected , but to get much likes and impressions on your posts you should check out your insights to know :

you can double your follower by moving from less than one post per week to 1-6 week. you can also double them or more by moving from posting 1-6 times per week to twice or more per day.

3 - Post at the best time.

Your account insights will show you: 
  • the best time to post your instagram pictures,
  • the best days and hours when your audiences are active so they can see your post. 

jeudi 18 janvier 2018

La plupart des entrepreneurs ont des idées agréables , le problème s'intitule dans le passage d'une idée innovante a un projet cohérent.
l’objectif c'est de vous mettre dans la bonne direction pour avoir un projet qui repent à vos attentes . eCoCity vous propose deux points successive pour la réussite.   

1 - croyez vos possibilités.  

L'impact de l'attitude mentale est immense  dans la mise en oeuvre et l'application des idées. le système limbique du cerveau ne transmettait au cortex que ce qui lui convenait. ce dernier transmis que les situations qui évoque des actions favorables.
puisque la réussite entraîne le succès. offrez-vous des succès même modeste , pour cela fixez-vous des buts proches et accessibles.

nous doutons de nos possibilités parce que nous avons été trop ambitieux au départ.

Cela qui nous donne l'idée que notre proposition de valeur n'a aucune valeur ajoutée donc il faut la bien formule.

2 - formulation d"une bonne proposition de valeur

Une proposition de valeur meilleure ne se limites  pas à la description  du produit et service offert , mais elle fait référence à  l'ensemble des bénéfices et avantages tiré par les clients à travers l'offre proposée. elle est aussi résultat d'une réflexion sur un bon positionnement, qui doit être basée sur la meilleure adéquation possible entre les aspects fondamentaux:

  • les besoins des clients et perception de la valeur par les clients;
  • les points forts qui différencie le projet d'un autre.